Snapchat Planets: Discover Your Best Friend Rankings with Snapchat+
A new amazing feature, snapchat planets which is introduced by snapchat. Snapchat is super popular with Gen Z. Snapchat Plus adds cool features like changing the app icon, seeing who rewatched your story, and marking BFFs. The Snapchat Friend Solar System feature even assigns planets to your closest friends.
This feature is introduced in 25 different countries such as America, France, Canada and India etc.The Snapchat Planets feature is available to Snapchat Plus subscribers as a way to appreciate friendships on the app.
In this article, I have tried my best to explain everything in the best possible and easiest manner. At the end of this article, there’s a section with frequently asked questions (FAQs). If you’re short on time, just check that part to get the main points. But if you have more time, feel free to keep reading!
What is the Snapchat Planets System?
Before we dive in, think back to your science class when your teacher taught you about the Solar System. Picture that image in your mind. Now, to understand the Snapchat Planets Solar System better, imagine yourself as the Sun and your friends as the planets orbiting around you.
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun in the real solar system. Similarly, if you’re represented as Mercury in a friend’s Snapchat profile, it means you chat with them the most and have the longest streak.
Just like each planet is at a different distance from the Sun, your Bitmoji gets assigned a planet based on how often you interact. Your position can vary from friend to friend; for instance, you might be Mercury in one profile and Earth in another.
What Is the Friend Solar System?
You already know how the solar works and looks.In our solar system, each planet revolves around the Sun and is spaced apart at specific distances.As a Snapchat Plus user, you are the Sun in your Friend Solar System.
The Snapchat planet is also called the friend solar system. Due to this system you can check your relationship with your closest friend, depending on how strong your friendship is.When you tap the badge, it shows which planet you are in their Solar System, with each planet showing your rank on their Best Friends list.
The Solar System feature is off by default for first-time subscribers. To use it, go to the Snapchat+ feature management page and turn it on. You can switch it on or off anytime.
What is the meaning of Snapchat Planets?
As I mentioned earlier, in the Snapchat planet system, each planet corresponds to a different spot, representing your top 8 best friends. This system mirrors the order of the real-world solar system.
If you’re the Sun in the Snapchat planet system, the closest planet to you is Mercury, which represents the friend with whom you share the most snaps and chats. Venus will be your second closest friend, and this pattern continues for the remaining planets.
It’s important to note that your position can vary from friend to friend. For instance, you might be Mercury on one friend’s profile but could be Venus or Earth on another friend’s profile.
Snapchat Planets Order and Meaning
Mercury: Closest best friend
Mercury on Snapchat means this person is your number one best friend. They are the person you talk to the most on Snapchat. When Mercury shows up, you’ll see your friend’s Bitmoji with red heart emojis around it. This is for the friend you chat and snap with almost every day.
If you’re someone’s Mercury, it means you’re really close on Snapchat. You probably snap each other a lot, have long chats, and might even have a Snap streak over 100 days!
Venus: Second closest best friend
Venus is the second planet in your Snapchat solar system, meaning this person is your second best friend. Their Bit emoji will be light brown, with colorful hearts like pink, blue, and yellow floating around it.
Earth: Third closest best friend
Next in the Snapchat solar system is Earth, which represents your third best friend. Its Bit emoji will look like the Earth, featuring green and blue colors. Around it, you’ll see red hearts and small yellow stars, along with one moon.
Mars: Fourth closest best friend
Mars represents your fourth best friend and is also the fourth planet in the Snapchat solar system, just like in real life. Its Bit emoji will be red, surrounded by blue and pink hearts, along with small yellow stars.
Jupiter: Fifth closest best friend
Just like in the real solar system, Jupiter is the fifth planet, and it will be your fifth closest friend on Snapchat. The Bit emoji for Jupiter will be orange, with various colored stars surrounding it.
Saturn: Sixth closest best friend
Saturn is the sixth planet in the Snapchat solar system, representing your sixth best friend. Its Bit emoji will be yellow with a beautiful ring around it, and you’ll see pink, blue, and yellow stars surrounding it.
Uranus: Seventh closest best friend
Uranus is the seventh planet in the Snapchat solar system, representing your seventh best friend. The Bit emoji for Uranus will be green, with yellow stars surrounding it.
Neptune: Eighth closest best friend
Neptune is the last and eighth planet in the Snapchat solar system, representing your eighth best friend. Its Bit emoji will be blue, and it will have a blue star around it.
How does the Snapchat Planets system work?
To see which planet is closest to you on Snapchat, you need to subscribe to Snapchat Plus. This allows you to view planets that represent your friendships and identify your best friend.
A Best Friend badge means you’re both in each other’s top eight friends, while a Friend badge indicates you’re in their solar system, but they aren’t in yours. Clicking on the badge reveals your friendship position, with planets showing the closeness of your relationships. For example, if you are Venus, you are their second closest friend on Snapchat.
What is Snapchat and Snapchat Plus?
An internet application where users can send images and videos called snaps that are deleted once they are seen, is called Snapchat. It has stories which can be viewed for only 24 hours as well as chat features to message one’s friends. Also, users can add cool filters and lenses to their snaps.
A stand-alone feature that allows access to even more features than before,Usage of a feature called snaps. Takes the snaps to a higher level. Snapchat plus a subscription service that seeks to enhance the normal experience of the application. Some subscribers want to see who viewed their stories before, providing them with special apps designed for ads giving them more access. Little things make the whole difference.
How to buy a subscription to Snapchat Plus?
If you want to subscribe to Snapchat Plus, follow these simple steps:
After activating your subscription, make sure to quit and then restart the application. After completing those steps, you will be able to enjoy the privilege of using Snapchat+. This is a nice bonus that lets you get all the benefits within a week without spending a single cent. In the event that you like the features, you may go on with your subscription after the trial; otherwise, you may unsubscribe any time you want.
To examine Snapchat Plus subscription options, the subtended table is given below.
Country | One Month | Six Months | One Year |
United States | $3.99 | $21.99 | $39.99 |
United Kingdom | £3.99 | £21.99 | £39.99 |
India | Rs. 49 | Rs. 294 | Rs. 1764 |
How to Check Your Planet on Your Friend’s Solar System?
If you want to check your position or how close you are to a friend in their list, follow these steps:
- Open Snapchat.
- Go to your friend list.
- Select the friend whose planet you want to view.
- Their profile will open.
- Click on the Best Friend badge.
- You’ll see which planet you are and your rank in their friend list.
Is Snapchat good for Younger Users?
Snapchat can have both positive and negative effects on younger users. On the positive side, it fosters creativity through various filters, lenses, and tools that make sharing photos and videos fun. It also facilitates quick and engaging communication among friends via snaps and stories, and offers privacy features like disappearing messages.
But there are big issues, too, such as being exposed to inappropriate content, cyberbullying possibilities, and that it is very addictive which can lead to overuse and dependency. Although Snapchat fosters ingenuity and camaraderie, the application can be habit-forming. Hence, parents need to monitor the use of Snapchat by their children and have a conversation about healthy social media behavior for it to be an enjoyable journey for them.
How to Move Up in the Snapchat Planet Rankings?
Want to climb the ranks and become your friend’s Mercury on Snapchat Planets? Here’s how:
- Keep up 100+ day Snap Streaks with your besties for top planet status.
- Start regular conversations and reply quickly to stay engaged.
- Send personal Snaps and thoughtful messages to spark responses.
- Comment on their Stories and use fun emojis to show interest.
- Focus on one-on-one interactions for that Inner Planet boost!
Stay active and engaged, and you’ll move up the Snapchat planets in no time!
Why is the Snapchat Planets System A Controversial Feature?
Snapchat’s Friends Solar System is popular but has been criticized for affecting young users who subscribe to see their rank on a friend’s best friend list. Research shows some feel sad if they aren’t listed, but recent changes may reduce this issue.
Remember, your rank on Snapchat doesn’t reflect real-life friendships. Social media friends and real-life connections often differ. Most users (99.99%) enjoy the feature, so don’t let it impact how you view your friendships.
Pros and cons of Snapchat Plus Planets
How to Enable the Snapchat Friend Solar System?
Snapchat’s solar system feature faced criticism for being unsuitable for young users, leading the company to disable it by default. Now, Snapchat+ subscribers must manually enable it. Here’s how:
How to Disable Friend Solar System on Snapchat?
If you’ve enabled the Snapchat solar system feature and feel it’s impacting your friendship, you can easily disable it. Just follow these steps:
- Open the Snapchat app.
- Tap the profile icon in the top left corner.
- Below your name, select Snapchat+.
- Scroll down to find the solar system feature.
- Click the toggle button to turn it off.
The Snapchat solar system feature will then be disabled.
Final Verdict
Snapchat’s Planets may be the most enjoyable feature, as it shows the player’s circle of friends as planets revolving a solar system according to how close or distant a friend is. It improves the user interactions and promotes efforts, however, it equally calls for serious attention especially in aspects of privacy and emotional health, particularly for children. In general, even if it captures friendship in the most interesting manner, one’s mind must be exercised on the potential effects of such technology on society.