No Gold Ring Around Best Friends on Snapchat (2024): What It Means

No Gold Ring Around Best Friends on Snapchat

Snapchat’s Best Friends feature lets you see your top eight contacts based on how frequently you interact with them. Best friends are marked by gold rings around their profile pictures.

However, there may be times when you notice that even though someone is one of your best friends, the gold ring is missing from their icon. So, what’s going on?

You might not see a “No Gold Ring Around Best Friends on Snapchat.”

For more on this, you can check out our guide on Snapchat planets order and how it affects your interactions on the app.

Best Friends vs Top Friends

Snapchat monitors two types of friendships: best friends and top friends:

Best Friends: These are the top 8 people you snap with the most. They are identified by a gold ring around their Bitmoji or profile picture on Snapchat.

Top Friends: These are your top 16 contacts that you interact with regularly, though they might not have a gold ring. If someone falls into this group but lacks the gold ring, you snap with them often, but they are not among your top 8 best friends.

Why There Is No Gold Ring Around Best Friends on Snapchat?

They Have a Different #1 Best Friend

Your friend snaps more with their closest friend than with you. Although you are not in their top 8, you are in their top 16.

Your Snapping Levels are Imbalanced

You might irritate this friend more than they do. Therefore, you are not their best friend, but they are to you.

Friend Limit Hasn’t Been Reached

Even if your top friends aren’t in your top eight snapping levels, Snapchat will display gold rings for them if you don’t yet have eight best friends.

You Just Became Friends

Snapchat’s best friend level calculation takes a while. The person you recently added will take some time to become your best friend.

When Are Best Friends Calculated?

Snapchat updates your best friends list every month. If you see that someone has gained or lost a gold ring, it’s likely due to changes in your snapping activity during the past month.

The exact day of the update varies for each user, so there isn’t a fixed date. You’ll notice the change when your best friends list is refreshed according to your schedule.

Does Snapchat Notify You of Best Friend Changes?

No, Snapchat does not send notifications when your Best Friends list changes. The list is updated automatically based on your recent snapping activity, but these changes happen in the background without any direct alerts. You’ll simply notice differences in who appears on your Best Friends list as your interactions evolve.

Can I See My Full Best Friends List?

Yes, you can! Your Best Friends list is private, visible only to you, and here’s how to check it out:

show Snapchat Best Friends List

On Android

  • Tap your profile icon in the top-left corner of Snapchat.
  • Tap the smiley face icon next to your name.
  • Select Best Friends to see your top 8. Keep scrolling to view your full Best Friends list.

On iOS

  • Tap your profile icon in the top-left corner.
  • Tap the settings icon.
  • Select Best Friends to see your top 8, and scroll down to view the full list.

What Do the Snapchat Friend Emojis Mean?

Snapchat Friend Emojis represent different levels of interaction with your friends, and here’s what they mean:

Best Friends:

  • Smile Emoji: This person is one of your Best Friends, meaning you snap at each other frequently.
  • Yellow Heart: You are each other’s #1 Best Friend, snapping the most between you.
  • Red Heart: You’ve been #1 Best Friends with each other for two weeks straight.
  • Pink Hearts: You’ve been #1 Best Friends for two months or longer!

Other Friend Emojis:

Sunglasses Emoji: You and this friend share a mutual Best Friend, meaning you often snap at the same person.

Fire Emoji: You and this person are on a Snapstreak, snapping each other for consecutive days. The number next to it shows how many days.

Hourglass Emoji: Your Snapstreak is about to end—send a snap to keep it alive!

Birthday Cake Emoji: It’s your friend’s birthday! Send them some birthday wishes.
These emojis make it easy to see how close you are to someone on Snapchat.

Seeing a Bitmoji Vs Bitmoji Outline

Some friends on your Snapchat Best Friends list may display their Bitmoji avatar, while others may just show an outline. Here’s what that indicates:

  • Bitmoji: This friend has connected to their Bitmoji account.
  • Bitmoji Outline: This friend has not linked a Bitmoji account.

If both friends have their Bitmoji accounts connected, they will see each other’s actual Bitmoji. However, if one friend doesn’t have a Bitmoji, the other will only see an outline for them.

What To Do If Your Best Friend Lost Their Gold Ring?

If you’ve noticed that one of your top Snapchat besties no longer has the gold ring around their icon, it can be a bit of a bummer. But don’t worry! Here are a few tips to help you maintain your BFF status and troubleshoot the missing gold ring on Snapchat.

Snap Them More Often

Increase the frequency of your snaps back and forth to balance things out. Chat messages also count, so stay active in all forms of communication!

Watch Their Stories

Viewing your friend’s stories contributes to your interaction score, so ensure you consistently check them out.

Remind Them To Watch Yours

You can long-press a friend’s name and select View My Story to give them a nudge to watch your updates.

By snapping with this friend more often over the next month, you may see their gold ring return during Snapchat’s next recalculation!

The Significance of Best Friends

For avid Snapchat users, best friend status holds significant value. It showcases your most trusted contacts and highlights those “VIP” friendships. Keeping an eye on who gains or loses the gold rings has become a habit for many Snapchatters. After all, no one wants to be left to read by their best friend!

Hopefully, this clears up any confusion about what it means when there’s no gold ring around your best friends on Snapchat. Keep snapping, and your besties list will continue to reflect your closest connections!

Final Verdict

In 2024, Snapchat’s no gold ring around best friends indicates a shift in interaction levels between you and your friends. The gold ring highlights your top Snapchat besties and may disappear if you’ve not been engaging as frequently.

However, this isn’t a permanent status; you can easily restore it by snapping, chatting, and interacting more consistently with your friends. The gold ring is dynamic, reflecting your current engagement, so keep the connection strong to maintain that special badge!


If the gold ring disappears, it usually means that your interaction with that friend has decreased compared to others. Snapchat regularly recalculates best friend rankings based on recent activity.

To regain the gold ring, increase your interactions with that friend. This includes sending more snaps and messages and watching each other’s stories. The gold ring may reappear after the next recalculation.

Viewing stories is considered an interaction on Snapchat, contributing to your best friend ranking.

Based on your most recent interactions, Snapchat regularly updates the best friends list, typically weekly.

No, your friend will not be notified if they lose or regain the gold ring on your Snapchat. The best friend status and ring are visible only to you.

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